Accident Repair
Our coachworks have their own low-bake oven facilities and paint-mixing scheme for making up any shade or colour. Our staff undertakes manufacturers' training using the latest materials and techniques on a regular basis.
Colour matching is a particular skill with any car but especially metallic paint finishes. During the manufacture process a particular vat of paint will be used and a paint code noted against the car details. There can be shade variations in a vat even though the manufacturers use agitators to mix the paint. The manufacturers' provide shade mixtures to use with particular vat reference numbers and our paint team are expert at colour matching to avoid shade variations.
In the unfortunate event of your car not being drivable, we can arrange for it to be recovered promptly and forward an estimate for the repairs to the relative insurer. Through Helphire - a non-fault accident assistance service - we are able to arrange to have your car repaired quickly and in the meantime get you back on the road in a replacement vehicle of similar size, to save you paying any excess charges on your policy or losing your no claims discount.
We are quite happy to provide a written estimate for any repairs that you may require. Although it is seldom viable these days to respray a complete car, we can often advise on painting various panels and then machine polishing the remainder of the car to restore that new car look again!